Kam Gandham - Two Year Anniversary


Kam Gandham - Two Year Anniversary

Congratulations to Kam Gandham on his two year anniversary at Platform Smart!

As one of our Managing Consultants Kam's primary role is client-facing, helping our clients with complex problems, understanding how to best tackle them and then providing a rock-solid approach to resolving them.  Kam looks after a variety of Platform Smart's most prestigious clients and has built incredibly strong, close relationships with his most senior stakeholders and has quickly positioned Platform Smart and himself as the most trusted, high-calibre suppliers they can work with.  His engaging style and his ability to bring both clients and associates on a journey is first class, he is a true asset to Platform Smart.

To get to know Kam a bit more, we asked him some questions about being a Managing Consultant, what he’s looking forward to and what client he would like to work with:

What is a key lesson you have learnt as a Managing Consultant?
Enjoy the quiet moments whilst they last, they happen very occasionally but when they do - I use them to catch up on admin, do some planning, re-evaluate my priorities etc.

The old adage of London busses applies to new opportunities and delivery challenges always tend to come in threes and most often in parallel.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a Managing Consultant and what are your tips for addressing them?
I would say the biggest challenges emanate from the things you can't control. Occasionally situations arise where a client may tell you they are heading in one direction but behind the scenes they've changed their mind. Or you assemble a team that you think is perfect for the task at hand but either misunderstand the environment or the situation has rapidly evolved. Both of these scenarios are frustrating and often result in a level of re-work or worse, a false start.

There's no 'silver bullet' for these situations other than trying to anticipate the unexpected, I always try to consider a plan B (and C depending on the situation) and try to ensure I've selected and equipped Associates that can quickly understand and adapt to an evolving situation in the right way.

The great thing is that there's never a dull moment, and when the 'curved balls' appear being calm and methodical on the response means you gain the trust of your clients and the respect of the teams that are working for you. 

If you could choose a client we don’t already work with, who would it be and why?
I straight away think back to clients with perks....SAB Miller springs to mind.  I was lucky enough to travel to Colombia where they served the best fresh coffee (to the meeting rooms) and then it was customary to go to their bar for a Coca-Cola (they bottled it for them) or a beer.  

It's always nice to have a 'connection' with the client's end product whilst helping them solve their technology challenges.

What are you looking forward to this year either professionally or in your personal life?
The last two years have flown by and I'm really looking forward to expanding Platform Smart's footprint within existing clients and bringing on board new clients.

Outside of work, my two children are growing up fast and becoming young men - so I'm looking forward to creating great memories with them before they hit their teenage years and don't want to know their parents anymore! 


Want To Catch Up?
Let’s Grab A Coffee

With imminent news of new clients and therefore new opportunities on the horizon, we're eager to engage with our associates who are interested in sharing updates on their availability and current circumstances. Whether it's a casual catch-up and an opportunity to get an update on all things Platform Smart, or a focused discussion on new opportunities or subjects highlighted in our recent newsletters and other communications, we'd love to hear from you.
If you're interested in a catch up, don't hesitate to drop us a message to get something booked in, and we look forward to speaking with you soon! 


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